Clear Aligners & Their Value

If you're considering getting clear aligners, you might be wondering if you get their value for the cost. Here, our Orléans dentists discuss how clear aligners are a beneficial alternative to braces and how much they typically cost.

What are clear aligners?

When a patient starts on clear aligners, they will typically get them changed every 2 weeks. These are clear custom-fit aligners that go over the shape of the teeth to move them into their proper place.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

One advantage of clear aligners is that you can remove them to brush your teeth, eat and drink.

Depending on the brand you choose and your orthodontic issues, clear aligners can resolve a number of problems such as bite issues, crowding and misalignment of teeth. This treatment option is popular with both adults and teenagers due to its discreet appearance. Plus, for busy teens and adults the fact that there are no dietary restrictions is a bonus.

Your clear aligners also won’t need adjustments or tightening as braces do, which can sometimes be uncomfortable. You’ll just need to check in with your dentist regularly on your progress.

How much do clear aligners cost?

The cost of your clear aligners can vary depending on a few factors, including:

  • Your oral health requirements and how much work you will need
  • Your location and average prices for clear aligners
  • Any coverage you can get through an insurance plan

Depending on your circumstances and the brand of clear aligners you choose, you will likely end up paying around the same amount as you would for braces - perhaps slightly more.

How long will my treatment last?

Treatment duration depends on the current condition of your teeth and how often your dentists will recommend you come in for new aligners. The following factors could impact treatment length:

  • Your compliance with your custom treatment plan
  • The number of aligners in your series
  • The severity of your misalignment

Provided you follow the treatment plan exactly as prescribed, clear aligners can help improve your smile and straighten your teeth. If you know how many aligners are in your series, you can find out how long your treatment will take by doing some simple math.

Most patients start to see results at the 4 to 6 week mark!

If you're wondering if clear aligners are right for you, contact our Orléans dentists today to book a consultation.

Providing Oral Health Care in Orléans

Our team at Chapel Hill Dental is dedicated to providing dental services designed to improve the oral health of our patients.

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